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Information for event organisers The perfect fundraiser for school, kindy or childcare

Raise valuable funds with our hassle-free, proven system.

Choose your date!

We promote your event by providing free posters, online family booking link with QR code, social media links, family invitations, all personalised for your specific event!

We will provide tips and genuine support. You’ll raise $20.00 per family plus bonuses for reaching targets. 18 families can be photographed on a weeknight and up to 40 families on a Saturday or Sunday. Fill the day and we can open another!

Bede will bring his mobile studio to your venue, capturing as many wonderful poses as he can in each family sitting. He can get the best natural expressions in a short time frame, as kids lose interest very quickly!

Families receive a modern 8x12” family photo & keyring for their $20.00, plus obligation free additional poses. These delightful images are without doubt the best value quality packages available in our industry, which enables us to offer our fundraiser portrait and services.

We pre-arrange a date with you for families to return to school 2-3 weeks later, when they pick up the portrait they have paid for and view/purchase additional poses. Offering actual prints and not just digital images (we provide both) enables families to purchase ‘forever portraits’. By returning to school and dealing with each family directly, we avoid P&C or front office having to do any extra work.

A convenient, easy to run event. Families always appreciate the service and the memories.


Fundraising outcomes Your school can raise:

Our photo shoots book between 18 – 80 families. Some schools hold our event annually and others every 2 years. Bonuses include cash, portrait packs and shopping vouchers.

Personalised posters, booking link and invitations provided.

  • 25 familes @ $20 per family + bonuses

    One day photo shoot, $500.00 from families + $449.00 bonuses
    = total fundraising value of $949.00
  • 45 familes @ $20 per family + bonuses

    Two day photo shoot, $900.00 from families + $549.00 bonuses
    = total fundraising value of $1449.00
  • 65 familes @ $20 per family + bonuses

    Two day photo shoot, $1300.00 from families + $948.00 bonuses
    = total fundraising value of $2248.00

Plan your event Photo shoot options

Half Day

Ideal for 18 families at smaller schools and centres, weeknight/Sat/Sun session,
morning or afternoon.

Saturday or Sunday

One day event for 25 - 40 families, raise up to $1200.00 and we can open a second day if all appointments are filled.

Full Weekend

For over 40 families we offer a Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun combination. Use all three for up to 100 families!

Ideal time of year

Be sure not to clash with other school events i.e. annual class photos, sports days or camps. Check for other local community events that families may want to attend.

Studio or Outdoor

Limited availability for portraits on your school grounds (if suitable) due to weather restrictions, we must always have a backup room available for our ever-reliable studio!

Extended Community

We can promote your event to families in surrounding suburbs who may not attend your school, to increase participation!

$20.00 Family Donation Your families will receive:

  • A quality 8×12” family portrait & keyring for $20.00
  • School keeps 100% of these family donations
  • Limited to one per family/person
  • Siblings only option available
  • 15 minute sitting with a professional photographer
  • Fun poses, individual poses etc
  • Portraits returned in approximately 3 weeks
  • Additional print and digital poses offered at great prices
  • Convenience of close to home

“ Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving” H. Russo


Quality portraiture How can Laura Jean offer an
8”x12” family photo & keyring
for only $20.00

Low Overheads

By using your hall, classroom, staff room or school grounds we avoid studio rental costs and pass on the savings to your families.

Volume Discount

By offering the same deal to every family in a quick 15 minute sitting, our expenses are reduced.

Professional Photographer

Bede is trained to work on a tight schedule and knows exactly how to get the most out of each families.
They won’t be disappointed!

Enquiries Interested in holding an Event?
Popular months fill fast ...

Pencil in a date or book now

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